New article on Vietnam and the antiquities trade

Damien Huffer, Duncan Chappell, Lâm Thị Mỹ Dzung, and Hoàng Long Nguyên have published a work in Volume 14 of the Journal of Public Archaeology looking at the looting of antiquities in Vietnam. From the introduction:

The exact nature of the illicit antiquities trade from ground to market in Southeast Asia remains poorly known outside of Thailand and Cambodia, where most research has been focused. This paper helps to address this imbalance by documenting and contextualizing looting activities at the Bronze and Iron Age site of Vườn Chuối, located within urban Hanoi. A brief excavation history is provided so as to place recent looting into archaeological context. The methods used to document the recent and on-going looting observed are then discussed, followed by the nature of the current threat to Vườn Chuôi and a summation of what little is known about the Vietnamese antiquities trade in general and its relationship to regional antiquities trafficking. Finally, we discuss the current regulatory landscape in terms of constitutional, ownership, penal and international law, difficulties with enforcement and prosecution, and what course of action is needed not only to protect Vườn Chuôi and similar sites in and around Hanoi, but also to continue to raise public awareness of the archaeological repercussions of the trade itself.

  1. Damien Huffer et al., From the Ground, Up: The Looting of Vưườn Chuối within the Vietnamese and Southeast Asian Antiquities Trade, 14 Public Archaeology 224 (2015).

One thought on “New article on Vietnam and the antiquities trade”

  1. i understand the cultural laws and art theft but what is being done for the living are and pet’s culture of dog and dog theft ? dog’s being killed for food ? where are the law’/ WHY DOESN’T ANYONE CARE about the dog”s men are getting away with murder and stealing dogs and making money that way and the rest of us either have to work for a living at anything we love to do .But these people ,men or women who kill dog’s should be ordered to stop this and make money the coreect and honest way . It is our responsibility to take care of pets and dogs and cats not throw them into pots of boiling water when there are so many great noodle and rice dishes .

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